Below are the steps to validate your PCI compliance
Registering- When your account is boarded with us we will take care of registering you for the PCI portal and sending you login credentials.
Completing business profile and self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ)- The business profile is a set of questions about how you accept and handle credit card information. These answers will determine the SAQ you will need to complete and if a scan is required. The SAQ is a set of questions that you must answer to demonstrate your data security processes and procedures for protecting cardholder data.
While we do assist with completing the business profile and self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), we do so based on generic answers. It is your responsibility to view the answers and reprofile where applicable to answer as it pertains to your account.
Steps to view responses and reprofile:
Under Your Business Profile click on Manage
To view the current answers click on view profile answers
Be sure to take note of all the answers and which ones you wish to change, once you select to reprofile; all answers will need to be re-done.
To Re-profile, click on Re-profile
Next, follow the same step under the Complete Security Assessment box, click on manage and select either to view history or answer now to reprofile.
Completing a Scan (if required) - If your system has externally facing IP addresses, you are required to run a scan. The profile questions help determine if this is applicable to you. If you are required to complete it, you must provide a passing scan at least quarterly. The PCI Compliance Manager has partnered with Sysnet Global Solutions to provide you with a scan tool to find and fix vulnerabilities.
Complete the attestation of compliance - If no changes need to be made, or if you have made all changes, the last step is to complete compliance to achieve PCI validation which lasts for one year.
Click on begin step
Enter title under merchant executive officer box
Select everything is the same
Linked Accounts - If you have multiple accounts with us, we will take care of linking them together in PCI for you. By completing attestation on one, it will apply to all of your accounts.