Authorization Response Codes
Messages that might be returned during an authorization request
AA | Approval | Approved |
AA | Approval Partial | Approved for a Partial Amount |
N7 | Decline CVV2 | Declined due to CVV2 mismatch \ failure |
NC | Pick Up Card | Pick up card (card out of circulation /stolen) |
ND | Amount Error | Transaction Amount Error |
ND | Amt Over Svc Lmt | Amount is more than established service limit |
ND | Appl Type Error | Call for Assistance |
ND | Cannot Convert | Check is ok, but cannot be converted. Do Not Honor |
ND | Declined | Do Not Honor |
ND | Dup Check NBR | Duplicate Check Number |
ND | Expired Card | Expired Card |
ND | Invalid Card | Invalid Card |
ND | Invalid Term ID | Invalid terminal ID |
ND | Invalid R/T NBR | Invalid Routing/Transit Number |
ND | Invalid Void Data | Invalid Data Submitted for Void Transaction |
ND | Max Monthly Vol | The maximum monthly volume has been reached |
ND | Must Settle MMDD | Must settle, open batch is over 7 days old Note: Batch will be Auto Settled after 10 days |
ND | Network Error | General System Error |
ND | Please Retry | Please Retry/ Reenter Transaction |
ND | Serv Not Allowed | Invalid request (i.e card type not enabled on account) |
ND | Too Many Checks | Too Many Checks (Over Limit) |
ND | Call Auth Center | Need to call auth center to process transaction |
AVS Response Codes
An AVS response code will be returned in Authorization response message when AVS information is present
A | Address matches - ZIP Code does not match |
B | Street address match, Postal code in wrong format (International issuer) |
C | Street address and postal code in wrong formats |
D | Street address and postal code match (international issuer) |
E | AVS Error |
F | Address does compare and five-digit ZIP code does compare (UK only) |
G | Service not supported by non-US issuer |
I | Address information not verified by international issuer |
M | Street Address and Postal code match (international issuer) |
N | No Match on Address (Street) or ZIP |
O | No Response sent |
P | Postal codes match, Street address not verified due to incompatible formats |
R | Retry, System unavailable or Timed out |
S | Service not supported by issuer |
U | Address information is unavailable |
W | 9-digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not match |
X | Exact AVS Match |
Y | Address (Street) and 5-digit ZIP match |
Z | 5-digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not match |
CVV2 Response Codes
An CVV2 response code will be returned in Authorization response message when CVV2 information is present
M | CVV2 Match |
N | CVV2 No match |
P | Not Processed |
S | Issuer indicates that CVV2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CVV2 data is not resent on the card |
U | Issuer has not certified for CVV2 or Issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV2 encryption Keys |
Electronic Gift Card (EGC) Response Codes
Vales that may be returned during EGC authorization request
AA | Approval | Approved |
ND | Serv Not Allowed | Invalid request |
ND | Invalid Term ID 1 | Invalid Merchant Number |
ND | Seq Err Pls Call | Call for Assistance |
ND | Appl Type Error | Call for Assistance |
01 | Declined- help 9999 | Host Busy |
02 | Invalid Card | Invalid Card |
03 | Invalid Termi ID | Invalid Terminal ID |
04 | Amount Error | Tran Amount Error |
05 | Already Active | Card already active |
06 | Req Exceeds Bal | Request exceeds balance |
07 | Max Reached | Cannot load the amount specified |
08 | Non Reloadable | The card cannot be reloaded |
09 | Tran Not Allowed | Transaction type not allowed |
10 | Invld Tran Type | Transaction type not on server |
11 | Expired Card | Expired card or bad expiration date |
12 | Card Not Active | The Gift Card is not activated |
13 | Duplicate Tran | Duplicate transaction |
14 | Seq Err Pls Call | Call for Assistance |
15 | Seq Err Pls Call | Sequence does not match previous response |
16 | Invalid Batch ID | Batch ID is not on the server |
17 | Invalid Tender | Tender types is not on the server |
99 | Decliend -Help 9999 | General System Error |
Settlement Response Codes
Vales that may be returned during settlement
GBOK BBBMMDDHHMM | GB = good batch, settlement received OK BBB = batch number 001 through 999 MMDD = month and day of settlement HHMM = time of settlement |
INVALID TERM ID | Terminal ID is not on file with the network |
INVLD CARD 9999 | Card type, specified by item number, not authorized for settlement |
INVLD DATA 9999 | Invalid transaction amount |
PLEASE RETRY 9999 | System failure - please attempt again |
RB INV ACCT 9999 | Record specified by item number is invalid |
RBOUT OF BALANCE | Item and dollar totals do not match the settlement trailer record totals |
RB INVLD AMT 9999 | Invalid transaction amount |
SERV NOT ALLOWED | Merchant not set up for settlement processing |
UNREC CARD 9999 | Card type, specified by item number, is not recognized |