You can submit any (or all) of the following requests using our form below (be sure to scroll down on the form to view all the request types listed). We will review all submissions and be in touch with you with the next steps to ensure the requests are handled correctly and promptly.
Deposit/Billing Bank Account: To make bank account changes for the deposit and/or billing for your merchant account.
Please be sure to have a bank letter or copy of a void check to upload.
Note: If you have billing through other providers (i.e. third party gateways such as Bambora or Authorize.Net or are on Amex direct, you will need to update your banking with those separately).
Address/Email/Phone #/Primary Contact Change To make changes to the physical or legal business address, primary contact email, primary contact name, business phone #.
For legal business address change - be sure to have a copy of the updated business document with the new address (i.e. Notice of Change or updated Business License)
The primary email / contact is who we and/or Elavon would reach out to. If you wish to update the dispute notification email to an email that is different from this, please note this in the comments of this request.
Note: Physical business address and business phone # are displayed on terminal receipts and may appear on cardholder statements.
Doing Business As / Legal Name Change To update the business and/or legal business name.
Doing Business As name is what appears on cardholder statements.
For legal business name changes- please be sure to have a copy of the updated business document with the new legal name (i.e. Notice of Change, updated Business License, Articles of Amendment, etc...)
Authorized Signer / Ownership / Structure Change (Including Tax ID/HST # Change) To request changes if there is: a new beneficial owner (corporations), an authorized signer (non profits/charities), the business has been sold and the new owner wants to maintain the merchant account, or there is a structure change and a new tax ID # is assigned.
Some of these changes will be in conjunction with other updates (i.e. legal business name, bank account, etc...please be sure to select all the request types in addition to this one).
Be sure to have the following document(s) ready to upload: new owner/signer driver license, copy of business document which has the current legal name and address (i.e. Notice of Change, updated Business License, Articles of Amendment, etc...) and for authorized signer/owner changes- a letter on the company letterhead from someone other than the old/new owner/signer noting the change.
Processing Limit Increases To request updates to your approved monthly processing limits.
Merchant accounts get approved for a monthly processing limit, if you know you are going to hit that prior to your roll over date (date you were boarded), are experiencing volume growth or have a temporary high volume period you can submit a request to adjust the volume.
Please note third party financials may be required during the re-underwriting review process to approve the updated limits.
Submit Upcoming Large Ticket Transaction To notify us of an upcoming large transaction.
From time to time, and when a transaction amount exceeds the approved high ticket or is outside the normal processing, Elavon may need to do a transaction verification to confirm the transaction with the card issuing bank or the cardholder.
Be sure to provide the cardholder information as it appears on the file with their card issuing bank.
PIN Debit Refund Limit If you have a terminal and do refunds in the course of your business operations, you can submit a request to increase the pin debit refund limit.
For security, and depending on the merchant's industry, pin debit refunds are set to a minimum or not enabled. This will prevent you from issuing a refund back to a pin debit (Interac) card. You can request a monthly limit to be set, which if approved, will let you process that amount of Interac refunds on a monthly basis.
Terminal Order To order terminals
Whether you already have terminals and are requesting additional ones or are requesting to order terminals for the first time.
Please be sure to comment on any custom parameters that are needed.
If you are looking to exchange the type of terminal you have (i.e. return a wired and get a wireless) please note this in the comments and include the serial # of the terminal you wish to return.
Note: If you need to swap out a defective terminal please reach out to our support team directly
Account Closure / Seasonal Closure If you need to request to close your account permanently or seasonally.
For permanent account closure requests, we appreciate any feedback from you as to what we could have done better.
Seasonal closures allow you to temporarily close your account during a block of months. You will have no processing and no billing for that time. You will have 11 months from date of closure to reactivate the account without needing a new application.
Note: If you have any terminals on your account, please include the serial # of the terminals/bases/sim cards (if applicable) in the comments.
The serial # is located on a small barcode sticker either on the body of the terminal itself or under the back cover/paper roll or battery and is in the following format L#######-LL######
If you have trouble locating the sticker you can get the serial # on the terminal by doing the following:
Press #
Press 7 - Terminal Info
Press 1 - Terminal Info
Press Print
For any updates that are not addressed here, please reach out to our support team: