You have the ability to setup Administrator (default), Supervisor, and Manager passwords and lock certain features to the hierarchy. If you are looking to setup multiple clerks to have the terminal prompt for clerk / server ID with each transaction the below guide will walk you through setup.
Terminal supports up to 200 clerk IDs
Enable / Disable Clerk Prompt - Enabling ClerkPrompt is required prior to setting up the Clerk Menu
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 6 - ClerkPrompt
Select 1 - Off (to disable), 2 - ID Only, 3 - ID & Password
Clerk Wording - Customize the wording of the prompt to suit your business
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 7 - ClerkWording
Select 1 - Clerk, 2 - Server, 3 - Cashier
Add ID -
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 1 - Add ID
Enter Clerk ID, name and password
**Password must be at least 7 characters (we suggest using the pull out full keyboard to avoid entering in the wrong letter/numbers)
You will be asked if you want to add another clerk id or not. 1 - Yes, 2 - No
Edit ID - to edit the name / password of a clerk
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 2 - Edit ID
Enter the Clerk ID you wish to edit
Change Clerk Name or Password
Delete ID - to edit the name / password of a clerk
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 3 - Delete ID
Select 1 - All, 2 - One (Enter Clerk ID you wish to delete)
Print ID List
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 4 - Print ID List
Report will print with Clerk IDs and names programmed on the terminal.
Clerk Log On / Off - when enabled, this option will make your clerks log on and off when they are using the terminal.
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Under 8 - ClerkLogOnOff toggle on or off
To View Clerk Menu Settings - To view currently setup settings for your clerk menu
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 1 - Clerk Menu
Select 9 - Display Params
Press + to display or print to print.