Receipt Footer - Default receipt footer reads THANK YOU / MERCI. You can set up to 7 Footer lines.
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 3 - Setup Menu
Select 3 - Receipts
Select 1 - Footers
Customize the footer(s) message.
Press Enter to save.
Other Receipt Options
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 3 - Setup Menu
Select 3 - Receipts
Select 2 - Receipt Options
0 - RcptDelay - enter the # of seconds
1 - RcptCopies - # of receipt copies that print. Select 1 - Off, 2 - One copy, 3 - Two Copies or 4 -
Prompt each time.
2 - DescriptLines - toggle on or off
3- TipAdjRcpt - if tip adjust is enabled on your device toggle on /off to print the tip adjust
4- Tab Receipt - if enabled on your device select 1 - TabSigLine: 1- off, 2- sig line or 3 - no sig line and 2
- toggle TabCloseRcpt on or off
5- PrintMID - if you want the Merchant ID printed on receipts: Select 1 -Both receipts, 2 - Merchant
Only, 3 - Customer Only, 4 - None.
6-PrintTID - if you want the Terminal ID printed on receipts: Select 1 -Both receipts, 2 - Merchant
Only, 3 - Customer Only, 4 - None.
7- AuthOnlyRecpt - Select 1 - Off -no receipt, 2 - Receipt with signature 3 - Receipt without signature
8 - RcptSeq toggle on or off
9- PrintErrRcpt - toggle on or off to print receipt when errors.
Display Current Receipt Settings
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 3 - Setup Menu
Select 3 - Receipts
Select 3 - Display Params
Press + to view or print to print out report.