An Auth only transaction is used to reserve an amount against the cardholder's available credit limit (pending transaction) for a certain period of time.
**Auth only transactions will drop off after about 7-10 days. If the transaction was meant to be a sale you will need to Force Sale
Press on Auth Only icon from 2nd screen (or press [Enter] to get to main menu and press 4 - Auth Only)
If you have invoice prompt, clerk id or password enabled key those in and press [Enter]
Enter sale amount, press [Enter]
Pass terminal to cardholder for insert, tap or swipe
If manually keying in card: will be prompt for expiry date, then press [Enter] follow remaining prompts
Cardholder prompted to confirm amount
If tip is enable, cardholder will be prompted to tip %, tip amount or no tip
Cardholder to insert, tap or swipe
If card is inserted: cardholder prompted to select account and enter PIN
If card is swiped: follow prompts to enter last 4 digits of card # and CVV (if enabled)
Terminal will display APPROVED or DECLINED
Terminal will print merchant copy of receipt, press [Enter] to print customer copy.