When making changes to transaction options, ** Please let Cartis know to enable on the file backend, a download will be required.
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 3 - Setup Menu
Select 5 - Trans Options
1- Card Present - toggle on or off
2- Fraud - To enable fraud control: Select 1 - Off, 2 - Verify Card #, 3 - Enter Last 4, 4 - Both
3- MOTO: Select 1 - off, 2 - MOTO only, 3 - EComm Only, 4 - Both
4- EComm: Select 1-Secure, 2-Non Secure
5- CVC - Toggle on or off to prompt for CVC. Note: CVC is a standard requirement and should be
6- AVS - Toggle on or off.
1- Cash Back - Select 1- Off, 2- Debit
2- Cash Back Setup - Set accordingly
3- Surcharge
1- Surcharge: Select 1-off, 2- Debit Only, 3 - Debit with Cashback
2- Surcharge Amt - enter amount
3- Surcharge Setup - set the verbiage
1- DupTran - prompt for duplicate transaction. Select 1 - Off, 2- All transactions, 3 - Last transaction.
2- DbDupTran - prompt for duplicate debit transaction. Select 1 - Off, 2- All transactions, 3 - Last
3- Invoice - to enable invoice prompt. Select 1-Off, 2- Invoice, 3- Purchase Order, 4- Ticket #
4- Partial Auth - toggle on or off
5- Imprint Card - toggle on or off
6 - DupInvNo - toggle on or off to be prompted of duplicate invoice #
7 - CustRN - toggle on or off.
1- SettleRpt - select the type of settlement report to print at settlement. 1-off, 2-Summary, 3-Detail.
2- SetIOpenTabRpt - toggle on or off
3- SetlOpenTabs - toggle on or off
4- SetlUnadjTips - toggle on or off
5- ConfirmSettle - To confirm batch amount, set to 1-Off, 2- Confirm Amount or 3-Enter Amount.
6- Auto Settle - Adjust auto settle time - enter time (i.e. 2000 = 8PM )
7- SetIUnadjTipRpt - toggle on or off
8- ReportTrunc - Trunc Report Card # - Select 1-Last 4 or 2- Partial Mask
9- PrtStlResult - Toggle on or off
1-Tip: Select tip prompt 1-Off, 2- Std Tip Only, 3-Std/Auto Tip, 4-Auto Tip Only.
2- TipAdjust - toggle on or off
3- Tip Guide
1- Tip Guide - Select 1-Off, 2- Display, 3-Print, 4-Both
2- Tip Guide Values - Set the three suggested tip values (i.e. Tip Guide1 - 10%, Tip Guide 2 -15% Tip
Guide 3 - 20%)
4- TipAuto - Enter Auto Tip % (if Auto Tip is enabled)
5- TipExcess - Enter Excessive Tip %
6- TipMode - Select 1-Amount Only, 2-Percentage Only, 3- Amount or Percentage
1- Tab - toggle on or off
2- TabOpenDefAmt - enter Open Tab Amount
3- TabDiffCard - toggle on or off
7 - DISPLAY PARAMS - to view currently setup Transaction Options. Press + to view or print to print report.