Password Hierarchy
There are 4 password hierarchies -
Admin - default pre programmed password and default name of "1" the terminal deploys with. It is advisable to change the default admin password. If changing the admin password, we will need to be notified to update the file end.
Supervisor (i.e. if you want someone to access refunds but not have the admin password, this can be set on the terminal end, we only need to be notified if you want to lock features with this password)
A higher level password will be accepted in place of a lower level password. For example: If menu prompts for a supervisor password, the manager or admin password will be accepted.
You can configure up to 9 Admin, 10 Manager, 10 Supervisor and 200 Clerk Users.
Password Requirement - Password must have a minimum of 7 and max of 12 characters and contain 1 alpha and 1 numeric character
Unsuccessful Attempts - if the wrong Admin password is attempted more than 3 times, user will be locked for 30 minutes (see below to adjust PWLock time). Please call us for assistance.
If a manager/supervisor forgets their password, a higher level (i.e. Admin) user can delete the existing manager / supervisor ID and add a new one.
Setting Up Passwords and menu item prompts - manager and supervisor passwords are setup within the Security Menu within the Admin Menu. Higher level user (Admin) must access the menu with their password to create a lower level user.
**We suggest locking the security menu with Admin password to prevent other users from adjusting the below settings (located under 4 - Admin Menu PWs)
Press ADMIN or [.,#*]
If prompted enter password, press [Enter]
Select 6 - Security
1 - Admin Setup - enter Admin Name = 1 and default password
1- Add Admin - enter Admin name and password
2- Delete Admin - select 1- all or 2-one
3- Edit Admin - select and edit the user
4- PWExpire - Enter password expiration time
5- PWLock - enter the time in minutes to be locked out for unsuccessful attempts (default is 30 and
can adjust above that not below)
2- Supervisor / Manager - enter Admin Name = 1 and default password
1- Add user - select if adding 1- Supervisor or 2 - Manager and enter ID, Name and Password
2- Delete User - select user to delete
3- Unlock User
4- User List - pulls up list of set up users
3- Main Menu PWs - select which home screen and Admin menu items you want configured with a
password prompt.
**If item is not enabled (i.e. tip, clerk, etc...) a feature disabled message will appear when you try to
set a password.
Transaction / Main Menu Item | Associated Parameter | Options |
0 - Sale | PWSale | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
1 - Return | PWReturn | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
2 - Void | PWVoid | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
3 - Force | PWForce | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
4 - Auth Only | PWAuthOnly | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
5 - Tip | PWTip | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
6 - Tab | PWTab | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
7 - Settle | PWSettle | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
8 - Reprint | PWReprint | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
9 - Reports | PWReports | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
10 - Manual | PWManual | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
11 - Standalone | PWStandalone | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
12 - PinPad | PWPINPad | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
13 - Comm | PWComm | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
4 - Admin Menu PWs
Admin Menu Item | Associated Parameter | Options |
1 - Clerk Menu | PWClerkMenu | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
2 - Batch Menu |
PWBatch | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
3 - Setup Menu | PWSetup | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
4 - Maintenance | PWMaintenance | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
5 - Diagnostics | PWDiagnostics | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
6 - Security | PWSecurity | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
7 - Terminal Info | PWTerminfo | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
8 - Host Management | PWHostMgmt | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
9 - Miscellaneous | PWMisc | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
5 - Reports Menu PWs
Reports Menu Item | Associated Parameter | Options |
1 - Detail Report | PWDetail | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
2 - Summary Report | PWSummary | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
3 - Clerk Report | PWClerkRpt | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
4 - Recent Error Report | PWRecentError | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
5 - Unadjusted Tip Report | PWUnadjTip | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
6 - Open Tab Report | PWOpenTab | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
7 - EMV Report | PWEMVRpt | Select 1-Off, 2- Supervisor, 3- Manager, 4-Admin |
6- Activity Log - Select 1 - display, 2 - print, 3 - save
7 - Display Params - select + to display currently setup security parameters or print to print report.