ECLTransactionDeclined |
Transaction was declined. |
ECLTransactionNotCommitted |
Transaction was not committed on server. |
ECLTransactionNotApproved |
Transaction was declined. |
ECLTransactionVoid |
Transaction was voided or had a hold put on it. |
ECLTransactionCanceled |
Action was canceled due to a cancel request. |
ECLTransactionUnsupportedTender |
Tried to use tender type that is not supported. |
ECLTransactionUnimplemented |
Commerce failed to implement something. Will never happen in release. |
ECLTransactionUnavailable |
Tried to cancel or continue a transaction that is not in a state where that is possible. |
ECLTransactionPropertyFailure |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionFailure |
General error occurred. Check log. |
ECLTransactionUnsupportedTransactionType |
Tried to use transaction type that is not supported. |
ECLTransactionTokenGenerationFailure |
Server was unable to generate token. |
ECLTransactionStoreTokenFailure |
Server was unable to store token for use in Card Manager in Converge web site. |
ECLTransactionInvalidToken |
Invalid token was used for token transaction. |
ECLTransactionSignatureRejected |
Signature was rejected. |
ECLTransactionVoiceReferralRejected |
Voice referral rejected. |
ECLTransactionReceiptFailure |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionReceiptNotSent |
Unable to send request to Converge to email receipt. |
ECLTransactionResponseWrongRecipient |
Response from server was incorrectly processed. |
ECLTransactionRequestBad |
Unable to send request to server. |
ECLTransactionInsufficientCash |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionUnsupportedCash |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionSearchCanceled |
Transaction search was canceled. |
ECLTransactionSearchResponseBad |
not used |
ECLTransactionSearchResponseWrongRecipient |
Response from server was incorrectly processed by search handler. |
ECLTransactionSearchRequestBad |
Search request problem. |
ECLTransactionSearchFailure |
Converge server returned that our search request contained invalid criteria. Use 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see more. |
ECLTransactionAlreadyCompleted |
Tried to use cancel, process, or continue a transaction that was already completed. |
ECLTransactionAlreadyStarted |
Tried to call processTransaction on a transaction that was already started. |
ECLTransactionOtherTransactionBeingProcessed |
Commerce can only process one transaction at a time and one is in progress. |
ECLTransactionNoneInProgress |
Tried to do something to a transaction but none were in progress. |
ECLTransactionBluetoothOff |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionValidationFail |
Validation failed. Use 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see more. Nested errors will contain reason. |
ECLTransactionValidationCardNumberTooLong |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionValidationSecurityCodeTooLong |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionValidationSignatureSmall |
Signature does not have minimum width and/or height. |
ECLTransactionValidationUnsupportedTransaction |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionValidationWrongCurrency |
Currency for tender does not match what the account can process. |
ECLTransactionValidationStartDateAfterEnd |
Transaction search criteria start date is after end date. |
ECLTransactionValidationDateRangeTooWide |
Transaction search criteria difference between start date and end date exceeds maximum. |
ECLTransactionValidationLastFourWrongLength |
Transaction search criteria last four digits is not 4 digits long. |
ECLTransactionValidationFirstSixWrongLength |
Transaction search criteria first six digits is not 6 digits long. |
ECLTransactionValidationHasTransactionId |
Transaction search criteria has a transaction ID and last 4, first 6, or card number also set. |
ECLTransactionValidationRequiresTransactionDate |
Transaction search criteria has a transaction ID but not transaction date. |
ECLTransactionValidationHasCardNumber |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionValidationMissingAmount |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionSignatureMissing |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionSignatureNotVerified |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionValidationVoiceReferralTooLong |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionValidationVoiceReferralTooShort |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionValidationVoiceReferralWrongCharacters |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionValidationRequired |
Transaction search criteria missing at least one required property. |
ECLTransactionValidationNotAvailable |
Transaction search criteria contains property that is not available. |
ECLTransactionReceiptValidationNoPhoneNumber |
Trying to SMS receipt with no phone number. Not used for Converge. |
ECLTransactionReceiptValidationNoEmailAddress |
Trying to email receipt with no email address. |
ECLTransactionReceiptValidationNoPrinterName |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionReceiptValidationUnsupportedOutputType |
Trying to use ECLReceiptOutputType that is not supported. |
ECLTransactionUnsupportedCurrency |
Trying to use ::ECLReceiptOutputType that is not supported. |
ECLTransactionUninitializedDefaultCurrencyCode |
ECLTransactionAmountInvalid |
Server return that the amount was invalid, refund amount too much, or cash back amount was invalid. Use 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see exact reason. |
ECLTransactionAmountDoesNotApply |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionAmountNotConfirmed |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionTaxAmountExceedsBaseAmount |
Tried to send base amount as tax inclusive, but tax amount exceeded base amount. |
ECLTransactionEmvApplicationBlocked |
ECLTransactionEmvApplicationFailed |
EMV Application Blocked by Reader. More... |
ECLTransactionClientNeedsUpdate |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionInProgress |
Tried to use transaction in card reader state machine and one was already in progress. |
ECLTransactionIncorrectContinuation |
Card reader state machine received information that is not correct for state. |
ECLTransactionFormTypeNotSupported |
Not used. |
ECLTransactionLoginBusy |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionReversalFailed |
Reversal was needed for EMV transaction but commerce failed to reverse it. |
ECLTransactionOfflineNotSupported |
Commerce does not support offline authorization. |
ECLTransactionCardRemoved |
EMV Card was removed in middle of transaction. |
ECLTransactionCardNeedsRemoval |
EMV Card needs to be removed. |
ECLTransactionCardNotSupported |
Card used is not supported. |
ECLTransactionCardApplicationBlocked |
EMV card application is blocked. |
ECLTransactionCardApplicationExpired |
EMV card application is expired. |
ECLTransactionCardholderVerificationFailed |
Card holder verification failed. |
ECLTransactionCardholderVerificationNotSpecified |
No card holder verification. Unable to continue. |
ECLTransactionInvalidCredentials |
Server returned that credentials are invalid. See nested error for more specific reason. |
ECLTransactionInvalidTerminalConfiguration |
Terminal configuration is invalid. See nested error for more specific reason. |
ECLTransactionWrongRecipient |
not used for converge |
ECLTransactionResponseBad |
Server returned data we are unable to parse. Log 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see more info. |
ECLTransactionInvalidTransactionRequest |
Server returned that our request contains invalid data. Log 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see more info. |
ECLTransactionInvalidTransactionForAccount |
Server returned that account or terminal is not configured for this transaction. |
ECLTransactionSignatureServerRejected |
Server returned that signature was too large, already had signature, or not allowed for account's market segment. See nested error for specific error. Log 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see more info. |
ECLTransactionCardReaderNoneAvailable |
Commerce is unable to find a card reader to use. Make sure reader is paired and connected. |
ECLTransactionCardReaderMultipleAvailable |
Not used for converge. |
ECLTransactionFailedDueToRule |
Transaction state on server shows it failed to settle due to a fraud, pre-auth, or post-auth rule. See nested error for specific error. Log 'error.getDebugDescription()' to see more info. |
ECLTransactionEmailInvalid |
Email was invalid. |
ECLTransactionEmailNotConfigured |
Server returned that the account or terminal is not configured to send email receipts. |
ECLTransactionTipNotAllowedForAccount |
Server returned market segment for account does not allow gratuity. |
ECLTransactionInvalidCardNumber |
Server returned card number provided is invalid. |
ECLTransactionInvalidExpiry |
Server returned expiration date for card is invalid. |
ECLTransactionMissingCvv2 |
Server returned cvv2 is missing. |
ECLTransactionInvalidCvv2 |
Server returned cvv2 provided is invalid. |
ECLTransactionInvalidCardPresentIndicator |
Server returned that the card present indicator sent is invalid. |
ECLTransactionDescriptionLimitExceeded |
Server returned that the description (note) provided is too long. |
ECLTransactionSignatureCancelled |
ECLTransactionRequiresPin |
Server returned that a PIN is required for this card. |
ECLTransactionAvsZipCharLimitExceeded |
Server returned AVS zip code too long. |
ECLTransactionAvsAddressCharLimitExceeded |
Server returned AVS address too long. |
ECLTransactionMerchantReferenceIdCharLimitExceeded |
Server returned merchant reference ID too long. |
ECLTransactionFieldTooLong |
Server returned field too long. |
ECLTransactionSessionKeyRetrievalFailed |
Failed to retrieve session keys (e.g., PIN and MAC) from server. |
ECLPrinterOffline |
Unable to print due to printer being offline. |
ECLPrinterCoverOpen |
Unable to print due to cover being open. |
ECLPrinterPaperEmpty |
Unable to print due to no paper being available. |
ECLPrinterUnableToOpenPort |
Unable to print due because Commerce cannot open port to printer. |
ECLPrinterPortTimeOut |
Unable to print due because Commerce timed out opening port to printer. |
ECLPrinterCommunicationFailure |
Unable to print due because Commerce had communication problem with printer. |
ECLPrinterBadFormatting |
Problem printing formatted data. |
ECLCardReaderNotConnected |
Card reader is not connected. |
ECLCardReaderMustFind |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderCannotConfigure |
Not used for converge. |
ECLCardReaderCannotConnect |
Unable to connect to card reader. |
ECLCardReaderConnectTimeout |
Timed out connecting to card reader. |
ECLCardReaderCannotSelect |
Not used for converge. |
ECLCardReaderCommunicationProblem |
Error communicating with card reader. |
ECLCardReaderNoneSelected |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderRebootRequired |
Card reader needs to be rebooted. Commerce was unable to automatically reboot it. |
ECLCardReaderRebootAutomatic |
Card reader is automatically being rebooted and unable to continue transaction. |
ECLCardReaderUnavailable |
card reader is locked |
ECLCardReaderFailedToReadCard |
Bad read of card on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderAudioVolumeTooLow |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderError |
General card reader error. |
ECLCardReaderNotInitialized |
card reader has not initialized |
ECLCardReaderCannotInitialize |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderDisconnecting |
Card reader disconnecting so unable to continue. |
ECLCardReaderDisconnected |
Card reader disconnected so unable to continue. |
ECLCardReaderUpdating |
Card reader updating so unable to continue. |
ECLCardReaderUpdatingKeys |
Card reader updating keys so unable to continue. |
ECLCardReaderNoCard |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderTerminated |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderNeedsUpdate |
Card reader does not meet minimum application version requirement. |
ECLCardReaderEncryptionFailure |
Card reader encryption failed. |
ECLCardReaderCanceled |
On card reader, user pushed cancel or ui timed out. |
ECLCardReaderInvalidPrompt |
Tried to display invalid form or prompt on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderNoSignatureData |
No signature data available. |
ECLCardReaderSignatureError |
Card reader signature error. |
ECLCardReaderNotPaired |
Card reader not paired. |
ECLCardReaderPinAccountMismatch |
Account number mismatch for PIN on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderPinNoAccount |
No account number provided for PIN on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderPinInvalidKeyIndex |
Invalid key index on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderPinTooShort |
Too short PIN provided on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderPinRequestDeclined |
PIN request declined on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderIsResetting |
Card reader is resetting so unable to continue. |
ECLCardReaderInvalidMessage |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderFormTypeNotSupported |
Not used. |
ECLCardReaderFormDeclined |
Unable to show form. |
ECLCardReaderFormError |
Unable to show form. |
ECLCardReaderAmountVerificationError |
Amount verification error on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderAmountTooLarge |
Transaction amount is too large for card reader (> 999999999L) |
ECLCardReaderAmountTooSmall |
Amount was too small on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderKeysUpdateNotProvided |
Update keys data provided is invalid. |
ECLCardReaderWriteKeysFileFailed |
Unable to write keys file. |
ECLCardReaderTimeOut |
Card Reader timed out. |
ECLCardReaderCannotAcceptCards |
None of the card entry modes provided are available on card reader. |
ECLCardReaderCardDataInvalid |
Card data provided is invalid (and maybe fallback is not allowed) |
ECLCardReaderUnsupportedFeature |
An unsupported feature was tried for the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderSearchInProgress |
findDevices was called when a search was already in progress |
ECLCardReaderEmvTlvTranslationFailure |
unable to parse tlv data |
ECLCardReaderConfigurationUpdateFailed |
Error writing update to card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMaxCardReadsExceeded |
Maximum number of reads for this transaction tried. |
ECLCardReaderModelNotSupported |
ECLCardReaderInvalidConfigurationForUpdatingKeys |
Keys installed on card reader are invalid. |
ECLCardReaderBatteryLow |
Battery on card reader is too low. |
ECLCardReaderUnsupportedCardEntryType |
Unsupported card entry type for card read. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueCalculationFailure |
MAC Value calculation failed (general error) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueCalculationSecurityAppError |
MAC Value calculation failed (security app error) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueCalculationSessionKeyNotLoaded |
MAC Value calculation failed (invalid session key length) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueCalculationSessionKeyLengthInvalid |
MAC Value calculation failed (invalid session key length) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueVerificationFailure |
MAC Value verification failed (general error) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueVerificationSecurityAppError |
MAC Value verification failed (security app error) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueVerificationSessionKeyNotLoaded |
MAC Value verification failed (invalid session key length) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacValueVerificationSessionKeyLengthInvalid |
MAC Value verification failed (invalid session key length) on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderPinSessionKeyLoadFailure |
Loading of the PIN session key failed on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderMacSessionKeyLoadFailure |
Loading of the MAC session key failed on the card reader. |
ECLCardReaderOperationInProgress |
On Demand card reader operation is currently in progress. |
ECLCardReaderNoCardReadInProgress |
No on-demand card read has been initiated. |
ECLCardReaderDailyRebootTimeAlreadySet |
Request to change V4 card reader daily reboot time failed because it is already set to requested time. |
ECLCardReaderDailyRebootTimeInvalid |
Request to change V4 card reader daily reboot time failed because specified time is not between 0000 and 2359. |
ECLCardReaderDailyRebootTimeNotSupportedForDevice |
Request to change V4 card reader reboot time failed because the device does not support it. |
WebMisError_Failed |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_Busy |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_CouldNotCommunicate |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_SSLHandshakeFailure |
Does your smartphone support TLS 1.2? |
WebMisError_ServerFailure |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_NoResponseData |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_UnknownResponse |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_LogOnRequired |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_LogOnFailed |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_LogOnDisabled |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_LogOnLockedOut |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_CommunicationTimeout |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_BadRequest |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidLocale |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_Cancelled |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_ForgotPasswordUnknownError |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidEmailAddress |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidPassword |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidCurrentPassword |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidNewPasswordsDoNotMatch |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidNewPasswordNotComplex |
Not used for converge. |
WebMisError_InvalidNewPasswordPreviouslyUsed |
Not used for converge. |
ECLAccountValidationCanceled |
Not used. |
ECLDeviceRooted |
Device is rooted. |
ECLMerchantRetrievalNotSent |
Commerce failed to send request to server for account information retrieval. |
ECLIllegalArgument |
Most likely a null value was passed where not allowed. See logging. |
ECLUnableToInitialize |
Not used. |
ECLTransportCommunicationFailure |
Communication issue on server. |
ECLSignatureTransactionFailed |
Failed to send signature for transaction to server. May want to print receipt for customer to sign. |
ECLUnsupportedSignatureFormat |
Server returned that the signature format is not supported. |
ECLSecurityLibraryNotFound |
Couldn't find/load commerce security library. |
ECLTlvLibraryNotFound |
Couldn't find/load tlv jni library. |
ECLStringTablesNotFound |
Couldn't load string tables. |
ECLNoAccount |
Tried to create an account with invalid type or passed null for an account parameter. |
ECLAccountInvalidCredentials |
Failed to provide merchant, pin, and/or user id for account. |
ECLAccountInvalidVendorInfo |
Failed to provide vendorAppName, vendorAppVersion, and/or vendorId for account. |
ECLRequestCanceled |
Not used for converge. |
ECLCannotVerifyPasswordExpiration |
Not used for converge. |
ECLCardPresenceNotSpecified |
Card presence not specified for manual entry. |
ECLInvalidAccountListener |
ECLDeviceFailedToPair |
ECLDevicePairingNotSupported |
ECLDeviceAlreadyPaired |
ECLOnDemandDisconnect |
ECLInvalidProxyServerInfo |
Proxy host or port missing or port is not a number. |
ECLInvalidProxyCredentials |
Proxy rejected the supplied credentials. |
ECLTransactionNotRefundable |
Transaction is not refundable. |
ECLTransactionRefundExceedsAmountAllowed |
Transaction is not refundable because the amount being refunded exceeds the limit. |
ECLAccountRetrievalInProgress |
Could not initiate request for account information while already in-progress. |
ECLOperationNotAllowedUnsecuredChannel |
Operation not allowed over unsecured channel. |
ECLCheckReaderFailure |
There was a problem executing the active command on the check reader. |
ECLCheckReaderOperationNotSupported |
The requested operation is not supported with the specified parameters. |
ECLCheckReaderDuplexScanNotSupported |
The requested operation is not supported with duplex scanning. |
ECLCheckReaderFrankingNotSupported |
The requested operation is not supported with franking. |
ECLCheckReaderInUseByOtherUser |
ECLCheckReaderCommunicationError |
< The check reader is in use by another user More... |
ECLCheckReaderCommandAborted |
The active check reader command was aborted. |
ECLCheckReaderNotConnected |
The check reader is not connected. |
ECLCheckReaderDisconnected |
The check reader is disconnected. |
ECLCardReaderRefreshStatusNotAllowed |
Perform onDemand call RefreshStatus is not allowed. |
ECLTransactionValidationItemQuantityMaxDecimalPlacesExceeded |
Item quantity value exceeds the max decimal digits allowed. |