From time to time, if you experience issues using Payments Insider and it is not experiencing any known issues ( you will need to clear browser cookies
To clear cookies for Microsoft Edge:
- Open
- Left click to select the small lock in the browser bar:
- You will see “Cookies” under the “Permissions for this site” section
- Left click to select “Cookies” - a new box will open
- Expand the “” section, select the cookies folder.
- Select remove
- Expand the “” section, select the cookies folder
- Select remove
- Select done
To clear cookies for Chrome:
- Navigate to
- Left click to select the small lock in the browser bar:
- You will see “Cookies” as an option in the drop down
- Left click to select “Cookies” - a new box will open
- Expand the “” section, select the cookies folder.
- Select remove
- Expand the “” section, select the cookies folder
- Select remove
- Select done