To Run a Chargeback Report
You can access your Chargeback Summary Report from the left side menu under reports by selecting chargebacks.
Chargeback activity is available for the previous 24 months.
You can narrow your search by using the drop-down filters
Remember to apply filter and press on show results.
You will be able to export or download the report.
If the spreadsheet does not load right away, after it is complete and ready for download a notification icon will appear on the top right of your page.
To Respond to a Chargeback
Chargeback notices are emailed to the primary business email on file via a secure email. The notice will indicate the respond by date and have an option to accept or fight the chargeback. If you agree with the chargeback, no action is required. If you wish to respond and dispute the chargeback you will need to check off that option on the notice and submit together with evidence such as a signed receipt or invoice. You can submit the response three way:
Fax - 877-888-2034
Email -
Payments Insider to respond inside Payments Insider. After generating the chargeback summary report, select the chargeback you wish to respond to. Click on it will pop open the transaction detail screen with information on the transaction date, amount, terminal ID, card type, etc...
If there is an option to respond from within the Payments Insider portal at the bottom of the transaction detail page will be a copy of the notification and any other related materials (i.e. cardholder questionnaire) and the option to remedy (respond) and upload supported evidence.