Converge supports peripheral pin pads such as the Lane 3000/ Lane 5000, Desk1500 (Canada) and card readers like the Link 2500 to make it easy to accept secure EMV, NFC enabled payments in person.
Step 1 - Download Converge Connect
Once you have received your Converge credentials from us you will want to download Converge Connect onto your computer.
Converge Connect allows the card reader / pin pad to communicate with the Converge User Interface (UI)
Do not plug in the card reader prior to the install
Requirements: you must be using a Windows 10 or greater computer and Chrome / Edge for your browser. Do not use Safari or Firefox.
To download:
Log into Converge
Click on your User ID on the top right corner
Select Support/Downloads
Click on Download Converge Connect
From the downloads folder, right click the convergeconnect.exe file and run as administrator.
When download completes, plug in the card reader and restart your computer.
The Converge Connect icon should now appear in your system tray (right side corner by the clock)
Double click on the icon in your system tray to open up the Converge Connect Status window
Confirm both Services and CWS say running. If they do not, press restart
Step 2 - Connecting the Card Reader / Pin Pad
Connect the USB cable to your computer and to the card reader, the unit will automatically begin to boot up. A firmware update may be required and can take up to 20 minutes to complete.
If when the unit boots up you get to the Welcome screen, firmware update is not required.
If when the unit boots up you get to a screen that says TSA / Lane Closed, firmware update is required
Press refresh devices on the Converge Connect status window (you may need to do this two times)
If a firmware update is required it should automatically start, the unit will reboot several times throughout and you will know it was updated successfully when you reach the welcome screen. If the update does not start automatically, see instructions that follow below.
If no firmware update is required the serial # should populate in the card reader field and you are ready to run a sale in Converge. If the serial # does not populate, see instructions that follow below.
Troubleshooting the Connection
If you are on the Lane Closed screen and the update does not start when pressing Refresh Devices on the Converge Connect status window:
Press 0003 on the Link 2500 unit then
1- communication type
3- x - red button
1 - yes to save and reboot
Once the unit reboots, press refresh devices on the Converge Connect status window and this should initiate the update.
If after the reboot it goes back to the Lane Closed screen press refresh devices two more times, it will prompt a 3rd reboot and the version code should be 5.08.08-003 (as of September 2021).
At this point pressing refresh devices should populate the serial # and you are ready to run a sale in Converge.
If you are at the welcome screen but the serial # does not populate when pressing Refresh Devices on the Converge Connect status window:
Press 0001 on the Link 2500 unit then
1- communication type
It should be 2 - USB_CDC, if it is on anything else, select 2 - USB_CDC
3- x - red button
1 - yes to save and reboot
Once it boots back up and you are at the welcome screen, press refresh devices on the Converge Connect status window and it should populate the serial #.
If the serial # still does not populate after confirming/switching communication type to 2 - USB_CDC:
Depending on the version of Converge Connect you will have either a STOP or RESTART button
If you have STOP option:
Press and wait until Services and CWS say stopped. (If they do not both read stopped, unplug the card reader from USB and press stop again until they both say stopped, then plug the card reader back in)
Press Start - services and cws should now say running
Press refresh devices - serial # should now populate.
If it still does not populate, while card reader is plugged in press yellow key and # together until unit reboots. Once rebooted run through the stop/start/refresh sequence above.
** As of April 2022 you must be using the most current version in order to accept payments.
If you have Restart option: press Restart, confirm both services and cws say running and press refresh devices.
PIN PAD (i.e IPP320, Lane 3000/5000):
The same general steps above for connecting the Link 2500 via USB apply to the pin pads.
Plug in via USB, open Converge Connect Status window, press refresh to populate the serial # and then you can start a sale using Converge.
If the serial # does not populate, you will want to confirm the pin pad is configured for USB connection:
For the IPP320:
During reboot, at the copyright screen quickly press 2,6,3,4 and green button
Press F
Select 3 - TDA by pressing 3 on keypad
Select 0 - Configuration
Press green button (Enter)
Select 0 - communication
Press green button (Enter)
Select 3 -USB <> Serial
Press green button (Enter)
Press red (cancel) button until at the save and reboot screen
Select 1 - yes
Press green button (Enter)
Device will restart and when back at welcome screen, you can now press refresh devices on Converge Connect status window to detect the serial #.
For the Lane 3000/5000:
From the welcome screen press 0001, communication type and select USB_CDC then save an reboot