ACH stands for Automated Clearing House. ACH E-Check service is a value-add feature that would need to be approved and added to your account prior to use. It is the process of hand keying a check to capture and process the transaction.
If enabled on your account, to process a check transaction
1. If you have multiple terminal IDs associated with your account /user ID (i.e. CAD/USD, MOTO/Internet, make sure to first select the correct terminal ID from the terminal drop down menu on the top right corner.
2. Click on NEW PAYMENT
3. Enter the sale amount in the Amount Section
4. Under the Order Section Payment Type - select Check for a check transaction
6. At minimum you will be required to enter the bank account number, bank routing number and the bank account type (personal or business)
All other information is optional.
Agree to the terms that you have collected authorization to do an electronic fund transfer (EFT)
When ready to submit the transaction, press PAY