There are a few ways to search for a particular transaction.
Basic method –At the bottom right of the screen (For settled batches: first click on the batch date you wish to search, for current batch: this will be on main screen) is record per page drop down menu – expand that to the maximum. Utilize Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut to enter keyword into the search box that pops up.
Search Box- On both current and settled batch screens (For settled batches: first click on the batch date you wish to search, for current batch: this will be on main screen) is a search field. Enter the information you are trying to locate.
Search Payments- If you do not have this option enabled, please reach out to us. There will be the option to do a quick or advanced search. For advanced search: you will first need to select a date range for the transaction you are trying to locate. Then you can filter down by additional filters (i.e., amount, last 4 of card #, customer name, invoice #, customer code…)
You can download or generate the report of the filtered results by selecting the download or generate report button.
Detailed Search - allows you to perfrom a quick search on various criteria from the payments page by pressing on the detailed search button. If you have custom fields set up, the detailed search will allow you to search by those as well.
This search option will only allow to look up the past three weeks (21 days) from the search date.